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"A wonderful, funny, fabulously entertaining film, that without ever being didactic, leads the viewer to love Nicky, value his life, thank him for pointing out so much of what we all want and well as what is not out there to nurture those who are perfectly imperfect. I can't say enough great things about this film! And no one has ever quoted Mr. Rogers so eloquently and aptly-fancy on the inside indeed!"
--Judith Helfand, Peabody-award winner & Co-director of Blue Vinyl

"I loved it and wept when it was over. TODAY'S MAN is both the portrait of a great individual, and a cry for help for a little-known syndrome."
--Thelma Adams, film critic for US WEEKLY

"An endearing film in the service of science"
--Kurt Vonnegut

"A moving and heartfelt film on a fascinating subject. There is something intrinsically lovely about (director) Lizzie Gottlieb's love of her brother that galvanizes our understanding of this little- understood disorder - Asperger Syndrome."
--Andrew Jarecki, director, Capturing the Friedmans